"Fallarones" by Tim VanDyke (OUT OF PRINT--EBOOK ONLY)


"Fallarones" by Tim VanDyke (OUT OF PRINT--EBOOK ONLY)


This is the ebook version of Fallarones; the physical chapbook is sold out. All proceeds go directly to the author. If you would like to purchase an accessible PDF instead of an epub file, please email us at gardendoorpress@gmail.com.

Written in the voice of his father – who was kidnapped and murdered while living in Colombia – Tim VanDyke's Farallones inhabits and deconstructs the elegiac mode, rendering a Death that collides with prophetic possibility: a cosmic lyric written in blood. 27 pages. Hand-stitched. Letterpressed cover with speckletone interior.

I will get still to the worms reanimating my body
you got still and built a factory of the dead

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Tim VanDyke grew up in Colombia, South America, until civil war forced him back to the United States.  He has published Topographies Drawn with a Divine Chain of Birds (Lavender Ink, 2011).  He has also published two chapbooks: Fugue Engine (Cannibal Books, 2012) and Light on the Lion’s Face:A Reading of Baudrillard’s “Seduction” (Argotist, 2012).  His work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in The Brooklyn Rail, Typo, The Yalobousha Review, and elsewhere.